Master Finance is a leading financial institution dedicated to supporting small and medium-sized businesses in their ambitious development. With headquarters in Varna, Bulgaria and extensive experience in the field of financial services, we offer innovative solutions and a personalized approach to our clients.
In accordance with the development of the financial market in Bulgaria and the European Union, we are actively adapting, taking steps to digitize our investment policy and facilitate lending processes.
About Us
Master Finance AD was founded in 2010 with its headquarters in the city of Varna, entered in the register of financial institutions under Art. 3a of the LCI kept by the Bulgarian National Bank with entry order RD22-0201/02.02.2011 with registration number BGR00225.
With extensive experience in the field of financial services at Master Finance, we are proud of our reputation for reliability and innovation.
Our Values

We work hand in hand with our clients. We share our skills, knowledge and experience to support each other every day.

We are always willing to do whatever it takes to help our customers and communities thrive and grow.

Imagination and innovation are essential to success. If there is a better way to do something, we will find it or create it.